Köhler Meiler Weg

Right next to the hotel, we were allowed to create a cultural hiking trail with the permission of the Interkalarfond, the owner of the forest. The charcoal burner trail stretches over 2 km and tells the story of the charcoal burners here on the Imbrand in stages. Imbrand – it was always on fire. This is how this little corner of the world got its name. Where the hotel stands today, there was once a charcoal burner’s dwelling hundreds of years ago.
How such a pile was constructed and the work involved can be seen in the foam pile. As the castle forest is mostly at ground level, this hiking trail is accessible to everyone!

Wellnesshotel Basler Hof am Schlosswal
Imbrand 63 | D-78730 Lauterbach | Tel: +49 74 223979 | E-Mail: info@baslerhof.de

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